Sunday, April 29, 2012

Runaway Devil and the Ross Glen 7-11

Immediately after the murder of her mother, father, and little brother, JR called for a taxi to pick her up at home in 25 minutes; leaving her enough time to snatch her mom's purse and run down the street to this 7-11 store to take out some cash from the ATM.

Ironically, she ended up back at the same 7-11 later that same day with Steinke and a few friends as they were preparing to skip town. Just a few blocks down the street, forensic investigators were snapping photographs of the grisly scene she had left back at her family's home.

This map illustrates the route taken by JR on her
early morning sprint to the ATM

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Medicine Hat Murder House

September, 2009
(Google Maps)

The hulking pine tree that once stood watch over the grey split-level house has been removed, but the house on Cameron Road in Medicine Hat, Alberta, still stands as a monument to the diabolical murder plan hatched by JR and Jeremy Steinke. 

The overall appearance of the property has been altered, for obvious reasons. The white shutters have been re-painted, and a series of tidy, new gardens have been installed, all presumably in an effort to cleanse the quiet neighbourhood of Ross Glenn of the unspeakable crimes which happened there.

When the house was put up for sale more than a year after the murders, even the listing served as a chilling reminder of it's chilling history: 

"This property was the scene of a violent crime in 2006."

The MLS listing went on to say that the house was being offered "as is, where is." 

More Information...

Article by Sherri Zickefoose @ The Calgary Herald (August 14, 2007)

Friday, April 27, 2012

(Handwritten) Jail House Love Letters

(Remington, Zickefoose)

Three days after the grisly murder of her family, on April 26, Runaway Devil wrote the following jail house love letter to Jeremy Steinke:

Never has a person affected me so much. Always will there be something missing without you with me. My lawyer tells me we're ledgends. Ha, closer to immortality it would seem. Monday I'm being moved to Calgary *sadness*. I need to stay in contact.

(Remington, Zickefoose)

Two days after receiving her letter, on April 28, Jeremy replied:

Dear Jaxz,
I love you more than life, it's self. I've added you to my visitors list so once your released please visit after. Never forget how much I care or that I love you. We can keep visiting each other til we can be together again. Without you this life isn't worth living. *kisses* The thought of being with you is all that is helping me stay some what sane. We shall be 2 gether again I promise. Stay true to your promises and I shall to mine. Casey continues to lie. I wish I could hold u right now. Stay strong and continue to write me please . . . I need you. I love you, I miss you! *kisses* xoxoxo
your lover Jeremy 
p.s. U said you want to get engaged? Then here's a Q . . . Will u marry me? If so, then it is a verbal agreement. 

Runaway Devil said "yes."  They continued to pass notes to one another until police determined they had obtained enough evidence against the pair, and simply quit playing carrier pigeon to the self-styled natural born killers.

Jeremy's final letter to his young girlfriend was never delivered.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Runaway Devil's Stick Figure Murder Plot

(Remington, Zickefoose)

This crudely-drawn comic strip depicting a family being burned alive was found in JR's locker by a school official after the massacre at her family's home was discovered. Various schoolmates confirmed that the drawings and captions were in JR's handwriting. At this point during the investigations, police were beginning to piece together the 12 year old's involvement in the brutal slayings. 

On February 23, 2009, Justice Scott Brooker ruled that the authors of a book about the case,
Runaway Devil, could reprint the drawing as it provided no means by which to identify the girl. Alberta Children's Services and JR's legal team protested the decision, but the judge stated in court that he saw no evidence that releasing the drawing would affect her rehabilitation.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Six Degrees of Runaway Devil

Runaway Devil by Sherri Zickefoose and Robert Remington is the single largest source of information on the case of 12 year old JR, who became the youngest Canadian ever convicted of multiple murder.

Marc, Debra, and little Jacob Richardson are dead. Their daughter, JR, who was convicted of their murders is currently serving her 10 year sentence in the community. She is enrolled in University, and even has a part-time job. Meanwhile, her then-boyfriend and accomplice in the killings will most likely never experience life outside his prison cell.

JR's trial was deeply shrouded in secrecy and publication restriction, as the Canadian Youth Criminal Justice Act sets out to protect the identities of young offenders. This is why Runaway Devil is such an important book; it offers concerned and fascinated citizens alike the opportunity to at least try to understand what went so horribly wrong on that tragic night in April, 2006.

I recently found a copy of the book for sale online ($1.99 for a gently-used hard cover) in order to refresh my memory, and discovered something on Page 45 which made me do a double-take: a quote on the "gothic" subculture from one of my ex-boyfriends!

Totally silly, I know, but I was young, and hanging with the goth kids from the Big City made me feel "cool."

Purely for shits and giggles, I present my own, personal six degrees of separation:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Runaway Devil Online

12 year-old multiple murderer JR built a menacing alter-ego using various social networking web sites. Fortunately, a multitude of Internet users had the foresight to take screen captures of her musings before the pages were shut down:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Remembering the Richardson Family

Six years ago on this day, Marc, Debra, and little Jacob Richardson were brutally murdered in their suburban home in Medicine Hat, Alberta. It was Jacob's best friend who discovered the bloody scene after peering through a basement window; he rushed next door to get his mother, but it was too late.

The only member of the Richardson family who escaped the massacre was 12 year JR, and nobody knew where she was. Initially, police suspected the worst -- that the beautiful, young girl had been abducted by the monster(s) who had murdered her family. As the hours ticked by, JR's disappearance began to take on a decidedly more sinister flavour.

JR was eventually convicted of three counts of first-degree murder, and sentenced to the maximum allowable penalty of ten years imprisonment under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. She was given credit for eighteen months spent in custody awaiting her trial. Her treatment plan entailed four years in a psychiatric facility, followed by 4.5 years under conditional supervision in the community.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Haunting Karla Homolka

I dug up an article related to the tidbit posted yesterday about how Karla Homolka had enlisted the help of a local psychic to exorcise any demons which may have been haunting the home she shared with Paul Bernardo at 57 Bayview Drive.

The snippet I found wasn't sourced; if you happen to know which newspaper this appeared in, please let me know!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Karla Homolka 'haunted' by victim on BabyCenter

Green Ribbon Memorial Garden
St. Catharines, Ontario

With the recent anniversary of the murder of Kristen French, I have been thinking a great deal about the strong and beautiful Ontario teenager who was robbed of a long and happy life at the hands of serial sex predators Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.

Those who have followed the Bernardo/Homolka case closely may recall that Karla believes in ghosts, and at one time contacted a psychic in order to help get rid of unwanted voices and other noises coming from the basement of the house she shared with then-husband Bernardo. 

Unaware that teenager Leslie Mahaffy had been raped, murdered, and then dismembered in the basement of 57 Bayview Drive, spiritualist Lori Disenthio advised Karla to pour ammonia down every drain while asking the spirits to leave. She also recommended that Homolka keep an amethyst stone in her pocket to "absorb all the bad" around her. Homolka is reported to have said that following Disenthio's instructions eliminated the disturbances for a while, but that the voices and noises eventually returned.

Knowing that Homolka is a believer in the possibility of spiritual hauntings, I would have loved to have been a fly on her wall when she logged into her BabyCenter account one day back in 2008 to find a user named KristenFrench responding to some of her posts there.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Historic Kingston Penitentiary slated to close

Kingston Penitentiary, Postcard circa. 1905

On the 20-year anniversary of the murder of St. Catharines, Ontario teenager Kristen French at the hands of serial predators Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, Public Safety Minister Vic Teows announced that the prison Bernardo has called home since his conviction is slated to close its doors forever.

The maximum security institution has housed some of Canada's most notorious criminals in its 177-year history, including: disgraced former military commander Russell Williams, mastermind of the "honour killing" plot that claimed the lives of four women Mohammad Shafia, outspoken serial killer Clifford Olsen, and bank robber-turned escape artist Ty Conn.

Notorious inmates of Kingston Penitentiary
Clockwise from top left: Paul Bernardo, Paul Bernardo,
Russell Williams, Clifford Olsen

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Portraits of the Ken and Barbie Killers

Segments from Jewel Net of Indra by Gareth Bate featuring
Canadian serial killers Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo

This morning, Google Alerts brought me to view photographs from this positively astounding installation currently showing in Toronto, Canada:

Jewel Net of Indra
"Gareth Bate's Jewel Net of Indra installation for Come Up to My Room 2012 at Toronto's Gladstone Hotel, is a cosmology representing the interconnectedness of all things. It is based on a Mahayana Buddhist metaphor of an infinite net of jewels, each representing an individual. Every jewel is a reflection of all others. For this ongoing project, Gareth is interpreting the metaphor as a meditation on the variety of lives-lived, and our relationships to the individuals who shape history. What aspects of these people are within us?
The installation is a wall of over one thousand acrylic mirrored discs. Three hundred and twenty-five mirrors contain hand-painted miniature portraits of iconic and influencial individuals. The accumulation of discs fragments the viewers as they move through the empty room. The negative space creates the net."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

McClintic fails again

Terri-Lynne McClintic posing gangsta (Facebook)

Convicted child-killer may never learn to keep her hands to herself. The media has recently learned that the woman who admitted to the abduction and murder of 8 year old Tori Stafford has been charged with assaulting a fellow inmate at the Grand Valley Institute for Women.

McClintic's lawyer, Geoff Snow, confirmed the charges stemming from what he called a "scrap" that took place between his client and an inmate named Aimee McIntyre on January 30, 2012. McIntyre is also serving a life sentence for the first-degree murder of her former lover after a jury found that she had coerced two men into carrying out a "hit."

Snow refused to elaborate further on the incident or on the relationship between Ms. McIntyre and his client. He did confirm, however, that McClintic is scheduled to appear in court via videoconference on April 26. 

"She's lost her freedoms, but she certainly hasn't lost her rights," Mr. Snow said.

 More Information...

Terri-Lynne McClintic charged with assaulting fellow inmate
The Globe and Mail (April 6, 2012)

Pair plead guilty in Ajax murder
Background information on Aimee McIntyre's case (May 4, 2010)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Educating a Runaway Devil

Since J.R.'s latest progress report hit the media, I have been thinking a great deal about her. Judging by Mascara & Murder's usage statistics over the past week, I am not the only one seeking to understand this mysterious creature who has come to be known as "Runaway Devil."

I recently came upon a very thoughtful article that provided me with a few additional angles by which to view this truly fascinating case of a little girl gone (born?) bad:

RANT: The Release of JR (Runaway Devil)
Calluna Vulgaris
January 25, 2011 
I don’t trust JR’s progress at all. Not after reading the facts on what happened, how she initially responded to what she did (and for quite a long time), how the evidence compares to her story about what occurred in the house and leading up to it, what has been admitted by Jeremy Steinke, etc. What I feel I see in reports that have surfaced over the years since she was tucked away into her current safe haven is not progress. I see a learning curve. I see her learning how to act the way these people expect her or want her to act. I can only hope that I am wrong (or maybe right) and that what she has learned isn’t just a mask for something deeper and darker.

I have every hope in the world that J.R. will live up to her end of the bargain, which would be to make it through the rest of her life without bringing any more death. In my opinion, violent female offenders are grossly underestimated by our collective systems.

The case of Karla Homolka is a viable comparison: she went from Canada’s Most Hated Woman to being considered a “supermom” in some circles. She now teaches english overseas, and makes and sells clothing for children — please bear in mind, her crimes were against underage girls… 

Most people think she has fled the country, but she still resides right here in Canada for part of each year.

I argue that female offenders aren’t assigned the same sort of stigma; cold-blooded killer is a moniker society is most comfortable assigning to men. 

Whether or not a woman can possess her own capacity to do “evil” is at the very crux of our social infrastructure. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Life without adults "tricky" for Runaway Devil

Poor J.R.

Who knew that killing off one's role models would have such a detrimental affect on regular life? If only she could go back in time, and somehow un-murder her Mother, Father, and little brother in order to more easily fit in amongst society.

Life's a bitch when you're a slaughtering psychopath.

August 15, 2012: The story below moved to a new link; updated.

Girl who murdered her Medicine Hat family wins curfew extension
Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary Herald
March 30, 2012
Adjusting to regular life after being in custody since the age of 12 will be challenging, Crown prosecutor Ramona Robins told reporters outside court.

"She doesn't know how to do fundamental things that we all learn from adults in our lives. She's learned them from the people who are paid to be the adult in her life, that's a tricky aspect," said Robins.

The girl's next sentencing review hearing is slated for the fall. She is serving the maximum youth sentence of 10 years. She is in the final stretch of a four-phase program of stabilization, intensive therapy, transition and re-integration.
The girl's accomplice, Jeremy Allan Steinke, is hoping for a new murder trial after filing an appeal of his 2008 guilty verdict that sent him to jail for at least 25 years.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Rafferty Trial Evidence Released

As the trial against accused child killer Michael Rafferty progresses, a virtual mountain of evidence has been released to the media. Perhaps the most damning of all, the smoking gun, if you will, is represented by the evidence submitted by a woman who has already confessed to assisting Rafferty in the abduction, rape, and murder of 8 year old Victoria (Tori) Elizabeth Marie Stafford.

As much as I despise those who raise their hands in violence against anyone, let alone utterly defenseless children, I feel as though I must give some credit to Terri-Lynn McClintic for having the guts to own up to her unforgivable actions.

Confessed, convicted accomplice in the horrendous sex-killings of 3 Ontario teens Karla Homolka (now a wife, mother, teacher, and entrepreneur) could learn a lot from this self-proclaimed 18 year-old junkie.

Rather than attempting to use her own tale of woe as an excuse for the inexcusable, McClintic has admitted, flat-out, that she is wholly and fully responsible for Tori's death. In confessing her own guilt, her aim is not to absolve her ex-lover Rafferty of his own wrongdoings, but rather to accept responsibility for her own.

They planned to kidnap a little girl together. They snatched Tori together. They were together when Tori was enduring the most horrific final hours imaginable. They were together when Tori was killed.

It is the opinion of the author that it hardly seems to matter who actually wielded the weapon at the time when the final blow was struck. I doubt that the grim details mattered much to Tori, either.

Both of those assholes betrayed her.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

"I don't know Tori Stafford."

Terri-Lynn McClintic's scripted denials regarding the abduction of Tori Stafford.
She later confessed to a police interrogator.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Terri-Lynne McClintic: Facebook Diagnosis

Originally posted: March 27, 2012

(April 4, 2012) Updated to include more from Facebook

Is Terri-Lynne McClintic clinically insane? Her social network seems to think so...

The following images taken from the convicted child killer's (now defunct) Facebook:

I really, really wish this whole
white kids thinking they are gangsters
thing would go away...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

McClintic Covers Up: Scenario 1

Originally Posted: March 15, 2012

(April 3, 2012) Updated to include more pages

Terri-Lynne McClintic jotted the following notes after Tori Stafford was killed:

Author's Note:

Who the Hell adds girly flourishes to child-murder cover-up scenarios?

At last, we have an answer to one of life's great mysteries.