Thursday, April 26, 2012

Runaway Devil's Stick Figure Murder Plot

(Remington, Zickefoose)

This crudely-drawn comic strip depicting a family being burned alive was found in JR's locker by a school official after the massacre at her family's home was discovered. Various schoolmates confirmed that the drawings and captions were in JR's handwriting. At this point during the investigations, police were beginning to piece together the 12 year old's involvement in the brutal slayings. 

On February 23, 2009, Justice Scott Brooker ruled that the authors of a book about the case,
Runaway Devil, could reprint the drawing as it provided no means by which to identify the girl. Alberta Children's Services and JR's legal team protested the decision, but the judge stated in court that he saw no evidence that releasing the drawing would affect her rehabilitation.


  1. I am enjoying your site. Thank you!!!


  2. Thanks!! Whenever there is injustice and gender inequity in the world, I'll be blogging about it :)

  3. Kitty, you are violating our copyright by posting this stick figure. Please remove.
