Friday, November 30, 2012

CBC Radio-Canada Interviews Karla Homolka

I was able to cobble together a web-ready version of this hard to find
interview using raw video files contributed by kouheikun @ WKH2012.



Note: Small portions of this videotaped interview are missing;
a complete (translated) transcript is provided after the jump below.

Immediately following her release from prison on July 5, 2005, Karla Homolka and her lawyer, Sylvie Bordelais, sat down with CBC Radio-Canada reporter Joyce Napier for an interview.

Before Canada's Most Hated Woman even opened her mouth, people across the nation were incensed that she had chosen to conduct the interview in French. This meant that the majority of people who lived in the province of Ontario, where she committed her crimes, were forced to accept the first (and probably only) public statement she has ever made concerning her role in the the rape-murder spree that dominated headlines in the early 1990s.

I've read this interview a number of times, and if I were asked to summarize it in the simplest of terms, I would say: low self esteem  (+) desire for relationship (x) rape-murder spree that captured global headlines and rocked an entire nation (=) out of prison in time to birth a child for each innocent life she stole (?)

Fatal Error. Cannot compute.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Fifth Estate: Hunting Magnotta

Poor Luka Magnotta; details relating to his case are being profiled by one of the most respected investigative news programs in Canada, but he won't be able to watch it because he is languishing in jail, awaiting trial for murder. 

CBC's The Fifth Estate is set to air "Hunting Magnotta" on Friday, November 30th. The following description was pulled from their web site:

"A year ago virtually no one knew anything about a young man named Luka Magnotta. Then came the horrifying discovery of the body of Jun Lin in Montreal, followed by a feverish international manhunt and then the arrest in Berlin. Luka Magnotta now stands charged with the murder of the young Concordia University student from China.
The name Luka Magnotta seemed to appear from nowhere in May of this year. But if he was unknown to the wider public, for 18 months before his arrest, he was being tracked... by a group of Internet users who were horrified over videos they believed he'd made, which depicted the killing of kittens and apparent threats to do worse. In an exclusive interview with Mark Kelley, the online investigators share for the first time the details their attempts to chase Magnotta down through the deep web and alert authorities as they tried to stop a man they considered dangerous.
The hundreds of cryptic online postings Luka Magnotta uploaded to the web paint an unsettling psychological portrait of a disturbed young man who shocked the world to its core, and reveal much about his life growing up as Eric Newman. But Magnotta would disclose much more to the few people who knew him personally, two of whom share their stories exclusively with the fifth estate. What became apparent to everyone who knew him is that Magnotta appeared to have an obsessive narcissistic need to be noticed, and exhibited increasingly erratic, possibly threatening behaviour online, ringing alarm bells for those who knew him and watched his chilling story unfold."
Source: The Fifth Estate: Hunting Magnotta

Knowing what I know about this clown-turned-killer, it must be killing him to know that people are talking about him while he has absolutely no control over how his image is being affected by what's being said. To me, he will never be legendary, or even notorious; to me, he will always be little more than a socially inept misfit who ventured to make a name for himself by absorbing the essence of everything around him.

For all his primping, posturing, and manipulation, Magnotta was unable to achieve recognition based on his own merit; it took the death of an innocent to capture the attention this pathetic waste of human skin craved so profoundly.

I can't wait to see what The Fifth Estate has uncovered about the "hunt" for Magnotta, which began long before he ever came into contact with victim Jun Lin.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Fifth Estate: Karla Homolka

Thanks to the tireless staff at WKH2012, this long lost episode of  the award-winning documentary series The Fifth Estate is accessible once again. 

As I watched the program (which I hadn't seen in years), all the same feelings of horror, sickness, sadness, and rage stirred in me anew. The Fifth Estate illuminates Homolka's role in the sex killings of three Ontario teenagers in shocking clarity; the sheer gall with which an unaffected Homolka recites the details of her crimes is nothing short of astounding. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bernardo & Homolka: Worst of the Worst

Macleans just released the results of a poll which probed readers' minds to determine the worst of the worst in the Canadian crime arena. As expected, the diabolical duo topped the list, beating out reviled criminals like Clifford Olsen, Russell Williams, and even Robert Pickton, who confessed to killing more than 40 women.

"The case of Homolka, who secured a controversial 12-year sentence in exchange for testifying against her husband, is perceived as a miscarriage of justice by 52 per cent nationally, but only 29 per cent in the Atlantic provinces. (The survey of 1,510 randomly selected Canadian adults was conducted from Oct. 29 to 30, 2012, and has a margin of error of +/- 2.5 per cent, 19 times out of 20.)
Still, there is no such regional divide when it comes to the crimes of Homolka and Bernardo—who continues to serve his life sentences in protective custody in Kingston. The pair were rated among the worst of the worst in every part of the country. And, as with Pickton and Olson, public revulsion over their misdeeds is unlikely to fade anytime soon. They were convicted not just in law, but in the court of public opinion too."
Source: Macleans 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Document Library

I created this page in the hopes of making it easier to sift through the collection of important and/or official documents, transcripts, letters, and images amassed by Mascara and Murder.


Friday, November 9, 2012

What are you looking at?

As there has been some discussion of late regarding how people "surf" in to Mascara & Murder (and what they might find when they get here), I thought I would share some information about the current visitor profile.

From what I have observed (I watch very carefully), the overwhelming majority of visitors to this blog don't arrive here accidentally; most "hits" can be tracked back to a web source or keyword relevant to the material presented here. 

Top 10 Posts (All-Time)

Top 10 Posts (Week of Nov. 4, 2012)

Top 10 Search Keywords (All-Time)

Top 10 Search Keywords (Week of Nov. 4, 2012)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Karly Curls 2.0

Karla Homolka honeymooning in Hawaii with Paul Bernardo

Like countless other teen queen's of yesteryear, Karla Homolka continues to evolve with the times. The woman who once dreamed of being showered with gifts and affection from "Big Bad Businessman" and serial rapist Paul Bernardo, now seems content in raising her three young children in relative anonymity. I use the term "relative" because I don't believe that it's possible for her to live completely under the radar, and not for the reasons that you might think.

Most who have followed the case know that Karla's unassuming life as a mother and teacher has received a lot of media attention following the release of Paula Todd's e-book Finding Karla. However, full credit for unearthing Homolka in Guadeloupe cannot be given to Todd, as she merely proved correct a number of long-standing theories that had been freely available online. Not even the savvy staff at the popular forum WatchingKarlaHomolka (now WKH2012), who first confirmed her new location, can lay exclusive claim to bragging rights concerning the scoop.

So who is really responsible for finding Karla? The answer is: Karla Homolka herself.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lori Homolka: "It's so easy to con people."

Mascara & Murder has received hundreds of hits using the search terms "Lori Homolka." Given the fact that people seem rather curious about her, I wanted to provide some fuel for the discussion.

About two years ago, I came upon a small, Internet window through which to view the life that Lori has been living since her family was thrust into the spotlight in the most sensational criminal trial in Canadian history. Please note that Lori now goes by the name "Logan," presumably to escape some of the attention focused upon the now infamous Homolka family.

In most cases, the families of depraved individuals like Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka tend to feel victimized themselves, or struggle with issues of guilt by association. This being said, I always get a really bad taste in my mouth when I recall the way that Lori encouraged Karla to alter her appearance in order to come back and live with the family in St. Catharines after her release from prison.

In a letter to her imprisoned big sister, she wrote:

"People are so stupid, Kar. Even if they bumped into you, they'd never know it was you, especially since you're supposed to be spending all your time in jail. They would never know. Just like if you came back to St.Cath. That would be the last place people would expect you to be, especially when I tell everyone you'll never, ever come back here.
See, that's my plan. People wouldn't know if it was you... People wouldn't know if it was you if they even had a conversation with you. People really are dumb. It's so easy to con people."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Remembering Taylor on Halloween"

Residents of Armstrong, B.C. gathered last night to remember Taylor Van Diest
on the first anniversary of her October 31, 2011 murder
(Photo: Amy Jackson-Shelling)

(Photo Credit: Jeff Bassett, Globe and Mail)

"The candlelight walk began on the corner of Bridge Street and continued down Pleasant Valley Road and Rosedale Avenue until the railroad tracks, where a trail has been constructed in honour of Taylor.
The 'Taylor Jade Van Diest Memorial Trail' was Taylor’s twin sister Kirstie’s idea, and 270 pumpkins lined the rocky path along the railroad tracks, where residents laid down roses as they passed."
Castanet News 

I have been following this case since first hearing the awful news last Halloween... So fucking sad.

A beautiful, vivacious girl in the prime of her life was killed after setting out to meet up with friends for some good, old-fashioned Halloween fun. She had her costume on when she was attacked, which made the last photos she appeared in so eerily ironic it sent chills down my spine; Taylor posed for a few shots before leaving the house that evening, soaked in fake blood.

Matthew Foerster, her accused killer, is currently awaiting trial. May he rot in prison, and then burn in Hell. 

More Information...

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