Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bernardo's First Love

Paul Bernardo's relationship with high school sweetheart Nadine B. was explored to a certain extent by Scott Burnside and Alan Cairns in Deadly Innocence.

It's actually quite startling to compare his first serious relationship to the one which ultimately produced three dead teenagers. The crucial difference between Nadine and Karla Homolka is the fact that Nadine knew enough to walk away from the serial rapist in the making while Homolka did everything she could to keep him by her side -- including offering up her sister for the Christmas Eve rape that ended her life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Smirnis Brothers: Where are they now?

The Smirnis brothers were childhood friends of Paul Bernardo who lived across the street, and later became an integral part of his eventual capture. It is widely known that Van Smirnis introduced Bernardo to the easy money lifestyle of smuggling alcohol and cigarettes across the U.S./Canadian border. 

Steve and Paul had a falling out in the early 80's after Steve became briefly involved with Paul's love interest at the time, Nadine B. The relationship between Paul and Steve was never fully repaired, although Paul travelled to Texas to attend Steve's wedding in 1987.

In the summer of 1990, Alex Smirnis and his wife provided information to police about their suspicions that Paul may have been the Scarborough rapist. However, their tip was ultimately dismissed by police after interviewing Bernardo.

Two years later, Van Smirnis contacted police about Bernardo much in the same way that his brother had, suspecting that he may be the Scarborough rapist. Paul was again questioned by police, who decided (again) that the bright, professional young man before them couldn't possibly be the monster they were looking for. Paul wasn't arrested until February 17, 1993, after forensic testing had confirmed his involvement in several of the rapes in Scarborough.

Van Smirnis appeared on the Maury Povich Show after Paul was sentenced, along with a number of other folks associated with the case, including Karla Homolka's aunt, Patti Seger; the first person that Karla spoke to about the murders. The transcript of this interview is available through WKH2012.

At present, the Smirnis brothers are all alive and well, and can be found on Facebook.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bernardo-Homolka tweet not trending

Paul & Karla pose for a holiday photo
next to an image of slain little sister, Tammy Lyn,
who died on Christmas Eve, 1990

Screen capture from Lena Dunham's Twitter
October 17, 2012

 Acclaimed actress and filmmaker Lena Dunham is currently under fire due to her not-so-funny idea for a Halloween costume to 380,000+ followers on Twitter. Dunham is best known for creating and starring in the HBO series Girls. On October 16, she wrote to fellow  actors/comedians Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak:

"You guys go as killer Canadian couple Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka. I’ll be her sister they murdered. Scariest! Luv U!"

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homolka Clone on TV's Dexter

Is Dexter's "Hannah McKay" based on Karla Homolka?

A new character appears in Season 7 of the wildly popular television series Dexter bears an eerie resemblance to convicted killer Karla Homolka

Although it has not been (and probably won't be) confirmed, this would make all the sense in the world given the attention Homolka and her case have received recently, in spite of her efforts to live life anonymously following her release from prison.

"Hannah was apparently involved with an older man named Wayne Randall while the duo went on a killing spree until caught. In order to avoid jail time herself, she turned state's evidence on her accomplice insuring that he was put away while she could start a new life."
Source: Dexterama
 "Here’s where the real parallel could be between the two parties: Hannah may have been much more involved in the killings with Randall than she initially told to police, and this is something Dexter is going to have to find out a little bit more of as the season progresses. Based on the video, we are starting to think that Dexter and Hannah could go down the relationship route here. Both parties clearly have some sort of dark passenger that they have dealt with for several years, but on the surface it does look like Hannah has found a way to get over it. Is this truly the case, though?"
Source: Carter

Friday, October 12, 2012

"I cried more hearing her tell what happened..."

Karla Homolka poses for a photograph in Joliette Institution.
Doesn't really look like prison, does it?

I am sure there are people who wonder why anyone would want to expend large amounts of their time and effort maintaining a blog like Mascara & Murder, which deals with some of the most gruesome and horrific subject matter imaginable. Hell, I've even contemplated it's value at times and have, on occasion, thought about throwing in the towel. Very recently, while perusing my blog stats, I came upon a discussion that bolstered my will to continue slugging it out in the darkest of places in the name of access to information.

The following is a snippet posted by a woman who was in contact with Karla Homolka through their shared interest in parenting-related sites and forums. I was so touched by what she said that I signed up for a BabyCenter account just so that I could tell her how much I appreciated her taking the time to share her feelings.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Runaway Devil: More Facebook Fodder

Senseless tragedy: a hearse accepts the Richardson family's remains

I realize that I am not merely beating a dead horse at this point, but rather clubbing it's zombie into a heightened state of un-death. Sifting through pages and pages worth of she was just a kid, she was brainwashed, and everybody deserves a second chance has brought my blood to a boil, and I guess I felt the need to share.

The ongoing commentary on the Keep J.R. in Jail Facebook Page makes for some interesting reading. If it weren't all about a profoundly tragic series of murders, I might even be tempted to call it entertainment, but it's really nothing of the sort. Clearly, the people of Medicine Hat still harbour a great deal of animosity toward J.R., which is understandable given the careless behaviour she exhibited and the brutal nature of her crimes.

I clipped out some of the more informative bits; including comments from people who claim to know (or have known) the youngest person convicted of murder in Canadian history. And, of course, I saved everything to PDF in case Facebook one day decides to pull the plug on this page -- as evidenced by the first snipped post in the document, the group has already been reported for publishing the name and presumed whereabouts of the poor girl whose only mistake was planning and watching her family's slaughter and laughing about it later.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Facebook Weighs in on Runaway Devil

There is an ongoing Facebook debate regarding whether or not J.R. (aka Runaway Devil) is entitled to the complete and total freedom she is soon to enjoy once her "Intensive Rehabilitation Custody" order expires.

The discussion is essentially splitting hairs; regardless of what anyone says, thinks, or does, she will be released back into the herd very soon, and her criminal record will vanish within five years on the condition that she stays out of trouble. However, as intangible as public opinion seems to be concerning the systems which govern us, it is clear that a good many people are still reeling from the unthinkable crimes perpetrated against an innocent Mother, Father, and little boy.

With the community of Medicine Hat, Alberta still expressing such strong emotions about the Richardson family murders, how can there be any reasonable expectations that one of the two people responsible for the killings -- the young woman we have come to know as Runaway Devil -- has come through the process fully healed and ready to re-integrate? The most frequently-used argument against J.R.'s release is that it seems like an impossible mission to "fix" or "correct" someone who thought it was okay to murder her family in the name of forbidden love. The rational mind can't help but think: if any crime deserves a life sentence, it's this one.

But there is no life sentence for J.R., beyond the fact that her Mother, Father, and little brother are no longer alive as a direct result of her thoughts and actions. Once her criminal record is expunged, the only stain she will carry with her is her memory of that awful night. Given the fact that she was seen giggling and making out with her then-boyfriend at a party only hours after her family was butchered, I'm not banking on those memories causing her to feel the grief that she failed to express in the days that followed the murders. 

Because of the gender bias that exists within our social systems, J.R. never had to own up to the crimes she committed; she simply sat back and waited for the blame to fall upon a more conventional target: Jeremy Allan Steinke.

In my not always humble opinion, if anyone could have benefited from Intensive Rehabilitation Custody, it was Jeremy. His life story is a tragic one, and it stands in stark comparison to the life of privilege into which his young amour was born. Hers was like a shiny, red apple while Jeremy's was like the worm one sometimes finds after taking a bite. Based solely on his background, it is easier to see why Jeremy may have thought at one time that killing J.R.'s family was a good idea. 

In the case of Runaway Devil, no obvious links can be made between her development and her behaviour.  Ultimately, she stood behind the readily available excuse that she was just an impressionable, young girl who didn't know the difference between fantasy and reality.

I'm providing the links to two opposing Facebook groups, as well as PDF versions of each in case the site administrators remove them from the server. Also, I decided not to redact the names and avatars of posters because both of these discussions are publicly accessible.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Runaway Devil *Really* Sorry

According to her latest sentencing review hearing, J.R. aka Runaway Devil is now expressing "significant" and "genuine" remorse about her participation in the brutal murder of her parents and younger brother. 

Presiding Judge Scott Brooker shared some words encouragement with the orphan-by-design:

“You continue to work hard under the IRCS order and continue to respond to it ... All I can say is keep up the good work.” 

Wow, this is truly wonderful progress! I can't believe it only took six years for her to begin feeling badly about planning and executing the slaughter of her entire family! Kudos to J.R. and the team of experts who have been tirelessly working toward this important milestone.


More Information

By Sherri Zickefoose, The Calgary Herald, October 1, 2012

CBC News, October 1, 2012