Thursday, June 28, 2012

More Thoughts on "Finding Karla"

Photograph of Homolka on her balcony,
from the e-book Finding Karla

In response to the comments I received on my last post, I decided to charge the lousy $3 to my PayPal account, and downloaded a copy of Paula Todd's controversial e-book, Finding Karla. Yes, let the record show that I did not sully my eyes with a bootlegged copy; I bought it, downloaded the file, and then struggled to get the bloody thing to display (had to download a special version of Adobe reader).

Although most of what I wrote prior to actually reading the document still stands, I must add that I found it to be an interesting read. Todd paints a most revealing picture of her time in Guadaloupe, from the decidedly patriarchal local customs, to the stroke of luck which led her to Homolka's hideaway, to the hour she spent with Canada's most notorious female killer. 

However... I still don't feel that Todd's work contributes anything to the Homolka discussion that I wasn't previously aware of; she merely confirms the work of the good citizens of the Blogosphere. The fact that Todd was able to pinpoint Homolka's precise location and speak with her are largely moot points in my opinion because the discussion, while interesting, did not unearth any new details or insights into the inner-workings of this most complex monster who once referred to herself as "Karly Curls." 

Karla Homolka hasn't changed much at all over the last 20 years; she is still meticulous in her appearance, strongly defiant of any form of criticism, and completely unwilling to even glance at her own wretched past. Furthermore, she continues to refuse any and all requests for information which concerned citizens might find useful in coming to gain a better understanding of her enigmatic personality. As ever, she says only what she wants us to hear, and shows only what she wants us to see. The fact that she allowed a journalist whom she had never met, who had tracked her from half a world away and showed up at her home unannounced, to watch while she breastfed her youngest child speaks volumes about Homolka's desire to alter whatever preconceived impressions that Todd may have brought with her.

As a final note, I must admit that my blood boiled ever so slightly upon reading that: 

"On the Web, the stalkers, sleuths and gossips insist she's changed her name, dyed her long blonde hair and switched from speaking English to French - a skill she'd honed in prison, along with earning a university degree in psychology."

Stalkers, sleuths, and gossips? Honestly, Ms. Todd; what is it that elevates you above those you have lumped into this unsavoury lot? While I have been watching her movements online for some time now, the thought of jumping on a plane in the hopes of "finding" her never once crossed my mind. With all due respect, your career accomplishments, while impressive, do not make you any less a "stalker" than the rest of us lowly "gossips."

Friday, June 22, 2012

Finding Karla

The Canadian media was ablaze yesterday with news that a journalist by the name of Paula Todd had managed to track down convicted serial killer accomplice extraordinaire Karla Homolka in her new home country of Guadaloupe. Todd has published a report of her encounter with Canada's most-hated woman in an e-book, Finding Karla, which is available through Kobo Books at the bargain basement price of $2.99.

I, for one, will not be purchasing a copy. While the byline is enticing: How I Tracked Down an Elusive Serial Child Killer and Discovered a Mother of Three, it is representative of what I already knew, and have known for some time now (courtesy of Watching Karla Homolka). Paula Todd merely did what nobody else within the subculture cared to do; she bought herself a plane ticket and travelled to the Caribbean in the hopes of catching a glimpse of wolf in sheep's clothing.

From what I can tell, Ms. Todd sleuthed out her target using information that has been readily available through the Internet for quite some time. She took a chance that the detective work undertaken by concerned online watchdogs was correct -- and it was -- and now she's selling her "story," and has priced it to clear! 

Even if her report contributes absolutely nothing to the broader discussion, Todd stands to make a tidy profit. My own blog statistics prove that, in spite of what some may like us to believe, Karla Homolka is still very much an attention-getter; interest in this enigmatic woman (my own included) seems to have no end.

Todd claims to have spoken briefly with Homolka (aka Leanne Bordelais) in her home, and even observed her interactions with the three small children she has with partner Thierry Bordelais. The two women engaged in a brief interview before Mr. Bordelais interjected, and Homolka cut the discussion short:

"Nobody cares, and everything I’ve said is off the record."

Todd has said that, in the interest of protecting the safety of Homolka's children, she has elected not to publish the exact address. However, given the fact that, by way of her e-book, she has confirmed that online reports on her current whereabouts are true, anyone with the desire to find her can probably manage the task easily enough; just look for the mailbox that's marked "Leanne Bordelais."

I will save my 3 bucks and stick to online sleuthing, as opposed to real-life stalking.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Magnotta Not Quite Looking Like Himself in Court

Luka Magnotta's first court appearance via video link

Luka Magnotta is scheduled to make his second court appearance via CCTV later today, and it is anticipated that his counsel, Pierre Panaccio, may request a psychiatric evaluation for his client.

Since cameras are not allowed in Canadian courtrooms, we must rely upon the talents of sketch artists to provide us with a glimpse of key moments in each case. The two sketches above were released following Magnotta's first court appearance, and I am sorry to say this, but is this really the best we can do? I realize that nobody wants to further enhance his new-found celebrity status, but this is ridiculous! The first sketch looks like it was produced by a third grader, and the second -- while much better -- looks more like a Chinese Ted Bundy than Luka Magnotta.

I feel that placing cameras in Canadian courtrooms would be an excellent step toward not only transparency, but also fostering a better understanding of the process. As a society, we have been bombarded with a seemingly endless stream of this arse hole's "glamour" shots; I think it's only fitting that we should get to see him silenced, shackled, and in desperate need of a makeover.

Update (June 21 @ 4PM) --->  Luka Magnotta's new lawyer, Luc Leclair, did not request a psychiatric evaluation as was expected. Instead, he made clear his clients wishes for a trial by judge and jury and also requested a publication ban. Magnotta isn't expected back in court now until a preliminary hearing scheduled for March, 2013.

More Information

Magnotta back in court for possible psychiatric evaluation
CBC News (June 21, 2012) -- Featuring a live Twitter feed from the proceedings

Magnotta requests trial by judge and jury
CBC News (June 21, 2012)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Luka Magnotta Arraigned; Pleads Not Guilty

Luka Magnotta arrives in Montreal flanked by police officers

Last night, I watched the eerily silent footage of Luka Magnotta stepping forth from a military jet (chartered just for him) and making his way across the tarmac toward an unmarked police van. 

The man who was recently the focus of an international manhunt appeared calm, relaxed, and perhaps even a   bit smug as he was led toward the waiting vehicle. Physically, he looked nothing like the globe-trotting playboy he fancies himself to be; dressed casually in dark jeans, white sneakers, and a puke green shirt. Presumably, he has been denied access to his make-up kit, for the acne scars he has always taken great pains to hide appeared splashed across his cheeks, which afforded an even more boyish appearance to the accused killer. 

Magnotta appeared in a Montreal courtroom via video link today, and pled not guilty to the numerous charges against him -- including the first-degree murder of Concordia University student Jun Lin. He is expected to be back in court (again via video) this Thursday to discuss a motion for psychiatric evaluation.

CBC News is hosting a live Twitter feed featuring updates on court proceedings, including photos of the bonafide media circus surrounding the court house.

The Canadian military jet that carried Magnotta
and his police handlers home to Montreal

Monday, June 18, 2012

Magnotta Confession on 4Chan?

The good people of Berlin may sleep a little more soundly tonight with the knowledge that the "porno killer," and all-around shite excuse for a human being, Luka Magnotta, is no longer in their midst. 

The Internet Clown who forayed into murder and mayhem is expected to board a plane supplied by the Canadian military later today; Justice Minister Rob Nicholson confirmed that the murder suspect will be accompanied by representatives of the Montreal Police. The plane was expected to take off earlier today, but the flight was delayed due to technical issues. Magnotta will be taken to an undisclosed location, presumably in Montreal where the charges against him were filed.

And so it begins; time for this absurd caricature to face the music. 

Bits and pieces of this raunchy little rat's legacy still continue to surface online. Top Mascara & Murder contributor Donyale shared an astounding Chan Archive thread in which it is believed that Magnotta himself stopped by to make what could be considered a confession of sorts on the popular message board.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Police Seize "Unedited" Magnotta Video

Magnotta poses with cut-rate facsimiles of horror legends
Freddy Kruger and Michael Myers

QMI reported that police have seized an unedited version of the virulent real-life murder video 1 Lunatic 1 Icepick. Montreal police Commander Ian Lafreniere confirmed the report, but would not say how it was obtained. 

An unnamed source indicated that an attempt had been made to delete the video, but computer experts employed by police were able to retrieve it, along with a number of other files. 

The video reputedly contains an additional five minutes of footage, and contains all the presumably-horrific background noises that weren't audible in the version that was posted online. New Order's True Faith had been added to the online clip, supposedly in homage to the film version of Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho.

In other news, Lafreniere reported that police have ruled out any possible links between Luka Magnotta and three unsolved murder-and-dismemberment cases in Los Angeles, Miami, and New York. 

eBay Pulls Magnotta Chair Off Auction Block

"Porno Killer Chair"

Berlin tabloid BZ reported that a friend of the owner of the Internet cafe where Luka Magnotta was arrested in Germany put the chair that the suspected "porno killer" had been sitting in up for sale on eBay. The item was pulled from the auction site's servers within hours of the posting, but not before bidders had already pledged over one thousand Euro for the unlikely piece of murder memorabilia.

The item was described as follows:

Magnotta was sitting in the chair calmly and unsuspecting, reading articles about himself on the web. A little later, the [alleged] murderer and cannibal was arrested thanks to the courageous behaviour of K.A.
I offer what is, outwardly, an admittedly rather unimpressive office chair, but one that is guaranteed to be an unbeatable 'conversation piece' in your home.

I am certain that this item will still sell, with or without eBay's assistance. As creepy as I find the notion of trading in "murderabilia," I don't really see how it's much different from the collection and trade of war relics. We tend to view folks who collect military memorabilia as historians, while branding those who collect Charlie Manson merchandise as morally corrupt nogoodniks. 

Killing is killing, and death is death. Why is it so hard for us to admit, as a society, that some of the bloodiest pages in our history books are also the most fascinating?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Magnotta: "My life is in danger and I need your help."

Magnotta: "Here is the photo of my abuse."

The massive amount of press that unrepentant narcissist Luka Magnotta is currently receiving has been under fire from the international community. So, for a change of pace, I wanted to share this photo of the suspected murderer not as he would like to be seen, but as anyone who has been following his appalling behaviour would like to see him.

Business Insider published an interesting article detailing Magnotta's relationship with a New York criminal defense lawyer named Romeo Salta. While laying low in a 10th Avenue apartment, Magnotta contacted Salta seeking legal advice, claiming that his life was in double-danger. 

He explained that a number of animal rights groups were hunting him in connection with a series of kitty-snuff videos that had been attributed to him, and that an abusive prostitution client named "Manny" had forced him to perform a host of demeaning acts -- including the kitten murders, which were filmed and posted online.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Teacher Showed Magnotta Murder Video to Students

I can still very clearly remember crowding into a roomful of other students when it was announced that the verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial was coming down the tubes. The news came smack in the middle of what had begun as just another typical day at school, and because of all the attention the case had received, the faculty were hard-pressed to keep us focused on our lessons while there was so much sensationalism in the air. 

The teachers seemed to feel that it was important for us to watch the news as it unfolded, in the presence of trusted authority figures that we could talk to if we felt in any way confused or bewildered by what we saw on the television screens. Fast-forwarding nearly 20 years since the Simpson verdict, mass media still has a profound impact upon the classroom environment; especially for the Montreal high school students who recently sat through an in-class viewing of a most gruesome murder.

The teacher (who has not been named) was suspended with pay after showing the video to students in his History and Civics class on June 4, 2012. The video has been the subject of international headlines, as police have stated that they believe it to be a genuine depiction of the brutal murder of 33 year old Concordia University student Jun Lin. 

Authorities have been trying in vain to stop the sickening 10 minute video from continuing to circulate online; it captured not only a murder, but also acts of necrophilia and cannibalism -- all in shocking violation of obscenity laws.

Canada: Land of Maple Syrup... and Evil?

This full-page article on the inherently evil nature of Canadians was too funny not to share. It appeared in the trashy UK tabloid Sunday Sport, and seems to be a blatant attempt at capitalizing on the headline-heavy case of the self-styled "playboy" turned grisly murder suspect Luka Rocco Magnotta.

Personally speaking, I think Simon Dean should have put more effort into researching this article, which begs the question: Are Canadians the most evil race on earth?

A few notes from someone who is all too familiar with The Evil White North: 

  • First and foremost, there is no such thing as the Canadian "race." Canada is a country, not a human classification system. 
  • Secondly, the photo accompanying the blurb on notorious schoolgirl killers Paul Bernardo and his then-wife Karla Homolka is actually a photo of the actors who played them in a movie based on their crimes. 
  • Last but not least, no disgraced air force commander Russell Williams? If taking time out from one's job running the largest military base in the country to commit treacherous acts of murder and mayhem isn't "evil," I don't know what is...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Open Statement from Jun Lin's Family

The following statement from slain Concordia University student Jun Lin's family is a heart-rending testament to the peaceful and loving nature of their only son. Through this statement, they shared with us not only the unspeakable grief associated with losing a loved one in such a tragic manner, but also their sincere hope that this horrendous crime will serve as an important lesson to us all; that "love and trust must be rebuilt."

The Jun Lin Rest in Peace Foundation is now accepting contributions in his memory through the Chinese Consular's website.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Remembering Jun Lin

A makeshift memorial for Jun Lin has been created by students at Concordia University
A note left reads: "we got that beast" in French, English, and Chinese
(Montreal Gazette)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Violent Society: Who is to blame?

Behind the scenes of the sensational search and seizure of so-called "body-parts killer" Luka Rocco Magnotta, another legal battle is being waged. Media outlets reported today that Montreal police are currently investigating the owner of the Edmonton-based website that was the first to feature the video which showed the vicious murder of 33 year old Jun Lin.

Police have indicated that there is a strong possibility that charges will be laid. 

Mark Marek, who operates Best Gore, describes his website as:

"...a 'reality news website' not 'news website.' I report on real life events. What you find on Best Gore is raw reality in its truest form. Honest, uncensored, real. Like life itself."

Monday, June 4, 2012

Luka Magnotta Caught

Luka Magnotta arrested this morning in Berlin

Internet cafe employee Kadir Anlayisli spotted
Magnotta reading about himself online

German newspaper Bild was the first to report that Luka Magnotta had been arrested, apparently at an Internet cafe, in Berlin.  At this point, it really seems to be official: the sick piece of shit who has been dubbed the "Canadian Psycho" by international media has been netted.

IMHO, this idiot doesn't even deserve a long, slow roast in the penitentiary; half-assed praying to whichever god is listening for a wayward bullet finds his scull on the way to court...

Update: June 4, 2012 @ 3:15 PM

Kadir Anlayisli is being lauded as a hero for bringing Magnotta to the attention of the authorities. Anlayisli is an employee of the Helin Internet Cafe in Neukölln; he spotted Magnotta at one of the computer terminals viewing material about himself and immediately notified local authorities. 

Seven police officers entered the cafe and demanded that Magnotta identify himself. After a few half-hearted attempts at providing a fake alias, Magnotta surrendered without further incident, reportedly acknowledging: 

"You got me."

Well, Luka -- bye bye for now! Looking forward to seeing you real soon in court, and after that, I'm sure you'll find the Lake of Fire to your liking.

More Information...

National Post (June 4, 2012)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Luka Magnotta Still Posting Online?

Inside Magnotta's Montreal apartment:
"If you don't like the reflection, don't look in the mirror. I don't care."

The latest news in the manhunt for suspected murderer Luka Magnotta is that he is still out there doing what he does best; drumming up publicity for himself and his despicable exploits via the Internet.

A recent video posted to YouTube by a user calling himself Beavis Butthead has many people wondering: Could this be him? The user filled nearly eight pages of comments on his own video, and those familiar with Magnotta's often senseless rantings are drawing parallels.

According to U.S. criminologist Casey Jordan:

"This sounds exactly like him. I give this an 80% chance that it's him because he appears to be a narcissist and this is how he is going to ultimately get caught."

More Information...

London Free Press (June 2, 2012)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Police "Sure" Magnotta is in France... or not.

Magnotta strikes his best Vanilla Ice pose

According to recent news from the Associated Press, senior French officials reported earlier today they are "sure" that Luka Magnotta is in France; he is said to have left Montreal on May 26 destined for Paris. 

The entire world now seems to be watching and waiting while the authorities scramble to scoop up the man suspected of slaying, filming, cannibalizing, and committing acts of necrophilia on a Chinese exchange student who has now been identified as Lin Jun. Jun is reported to have been in a relationship with Magnotta while attending Concordia University. He was 33 years old.

After the murder, Magnotta is believed to have posted an edited video of the killing online, and shipped out  some parts of the victim's body via Canada Post. The remainder of the body was dumped in the trash about a block from where the murder occurred, and the grisly deposit might have gone undiscovered if it hadn't been inexplicably left behind by trash collectors in the area.

Law enforcement officials are being fiercely criticized for reportedly ignoring numerous tips related to the video which is believed to be a true account of the final, agonizing moments of Jun's life. A Montana Lawyer named Roger Renville made a number of calls before the story broke to various Canadian police branches, telling them about a disturbing clip he had seen online. He indicated that he believed the video showed someone being murdered, and implored them to investigate. Renville claims that none of his calls were taken seriously by police, and that he was referred instead to Crime Stoppers. 

Update (June 1, 2012) --> Okay, so maybe he's not in France! Latest reports suggest Magnotta may have already returned to Canada under an assumed identity. 

According to Cmdr. Ian Lafrenière:

"All I can tell you know is that he left Montreal [and] he may have returned under another identify but we’re engaged in a worldwide search (...) We don’t know exactly which identity he used to travel. He has three different ones."

More Information...

National Post (June 1, 2012)

CBC News (June 1, 2012)

CTV News (May 31, 2012)

"Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta"

Seemingly addicted to his online persona, murder suspect Luka Magnotta maintained a number of social media accounts and profiles. He is pictured above in his Grade 10 Yearbook photo, taken when he was known by his birth name: Eric Newman.

Along with The Official Website of Luka Magnotta, he allegedly tended another personal space using Google's popular publishing tool Blogger; a much darker corner of the web. If it truly belongs to him, it foreshadows many of the awful realities which have unfolded over the last week. The blog, Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta, contained only two posts. 

You can read them both below in plain text format. Alternately, Mascara & Murder is hosting PDF copies of both blogs in case they disappear:

Update (June 1, 2012) -->  Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta has officially been pulled from Blogger's servers.